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ATX v1 --> ATX v2
conversion script for ATX 1 --> ATX v2

Conversion script downloads
FreeBSD - 32 bit download bsd-32.zip
FreeBSD - 64 bit download bsd-64.zip
Linux - 32 bit download linux-32.zip
Linux - 64 bit download linux-64.zip

This program copies the trades + trade settings from a ATX v1 to a ATX v2 installation

1) unzip the convert.cgi file from the zip file, and upload it in binary mode to a cgi-bin directory on your server, and set file permissions to 755 so the file can be executed.

2) load convert.cgi in your browser. You should see a screen like this;

current path of convert.cgi /usr/www/domain.com/cgi-bin/a2/convert.cgi

path to atx v1 cgi-bin/atx/ directory -

path to atx v2 cgi-bin/a2/ directory -

3) in the first text field, fill out the full local server path to your ATX v1 installation.
Important: mind the starting and ending trail (/).
For example /usr/www/admin/yoursite.com/cgi-bin/atx/

4) in the second text field, fill out the full local server path to your ATX v2 installation.
This is where the new trades will be written to.
Important: again, mind the starting and ending trail (/).
For example /usr/www/admin/yoursite.com/cgi-bin/a2/

5) click on 'submit' once. Now all unique trades will be written to your ATXv2 installation.
Make sure that you delete the convert.cgi file from your server.